Geoengineering can save Greenland, model suggests

We recently witnessed a new Greenland melting record. And according to a new paleoclimate comparison by James Hansen we could be in for meters of sea level rise within this century, due to expected non-linearity of the melting process.

Hansen: paleoclimate shows 2 degrees climate target leads to multiple meters of SLR

Comparing previous interglacial periods, like the Eemian, to the present geological epoch, the Holocene, shows slight average temperature rises are strongly magnified around the poles. Even under the 450 Scenario 21st century sea level rise could reach multiple meters. “Current … Continue reading

Tibetan dust could lower Himalayan glacier albedo

Changing wind patterns due to current climate changes sweep up more dust from the Tibetan Plateau, lake sediment measurements show. Jessica Conroy, a graduate student in paleoclimatology at the University of Arizona in Tucson, presented a dust record dating back … Continue reading

GCM study finds no Arctic albedo tipping point

The albedo effect still acts as a positive feedback to warming and melting. In fact the general circulation model study shows Arctic sea ice melting will speed up over recent years. From 2020 to 2030 more than 2.5 million square … Continue reading

WMO: 2010 ‘at least top 3’ hottest years ever

We were expecting news along similar lines from NASA later this month, but today, during the UN climate conference in Cancún, the World Meteorological Organisation [see special COP16 WMO page] decided to recognize the social relevance of timely sharing climatic … Continue reading