Real Global Temperature Trend, p16 – Climate System Thermal Inertia: Trend Line = 0.6C higher than observed temperatures show

In part 16 of our temperature trend series we take a better look at one of the main reasons almost everyone still underestimates climate urgency: ‘Thermal inertia’ of the climate system – a delay between the moment of emissions of … Continue reading

Real Global Temperature Trend, p10 – Refining cloud feedbacks lifts climate sensitivity to 5-5.3 degrees(!), say Yale researchers

Climate models have falsely assumed a (strong) cloud brightening cooling feedback, researchers of Yale University (Ivy Tan & Trude Storelvmo) and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Mark Zelinka) write in Science. Refining cloud behaviour in a warming atmosphere leads to … Continue reading

Real Global Temperature Trend, p5 – Climate Sensitivity higher when models include subtropical cloud-decrease feedback

We could say clouds are too complicated for climate science – and ignore them forever. We could also just try to incorporate them in the models. If you do, chance is you’ll find climate sensitivity is underestimated, a very interesting … Continue reading

Important update: Here is why crazy February temperature record is NOT the result of El Niño

Yesterday we pointed out that it is odd that it is actually the NASA GISS temperature dataset that shows the largest temperature anomaly for February 2016, namely 1.35 degrees Celsius above the 1955-1980 baseline. Indeed, a monthly deviation that really … Continue reading

Another shocking climate record: Despite the talk, atmospheric CO2 rise accelerating, never before this fast, carbon feedbacks tip Earth past 404 ppm!

It’s three months since ‘world leaders’ agreed during the climate summit in Paris that climatic warming must be limited to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. Yesterday’s news came from Hawaii, where the world’s best annual measurements show that the … Continue reading

Climate graph of the day shows both global temperature trend and dramatic extent of unfolding 2015 global heat record

Today’s Graph of the Day shows that all those climate deniers that spoke of ‘the global temperature plateau‘ (as some weird ‘evidence’ that climate change would not be real, busted on numerous occasions) should openly admit they were wrong – as … Continue reading

This is what carbon climate feedbacks look like! Atmospheric monitoring shows dramatic 2015 CO2 emissions record unfolding

Welcome to the future. 2015: The hottest year on record. With a likely coral bleaching record. And sadly also the year with a likely extreme CO2 emissions record. Because, using satellites, we can see the very positive carbon climate feedbacks … Continue reading

Gulf Stream may not collapse, it may gradually come to a halt – these AMOC graphs show

Here at we’ve written quite extensively on why a direct shutdown of the Gulf Stream is unlikely – and that the collapse scenario featured in that one movie we only ever saw the trailer of probably did not even … Continue reading

Permian-Triassic climate lesson: Don’t even try to adapt to a mass extinction, mitigate – a single plague can kill a planet!

The second part of the new IPCC report, about the impacts of climate change, has been released on Monday. Across the globe dutiful journalists filled the headlines of their newspapers – and as they presume most of their readers are … Continue reading