For athletes spirulina protein may be more nutritious than the main protein in dairy products

Wouldn’t it be fantastic – and not only for the environment but also for industry – if we started eating spirulina instead of meat. A pond one hectare in size could produce six hundred times as much protein from this … Continue reading

Today’s paradox: non-GM crops help promote GMO

This week the EU considers decentralising the rules on the production of Genetically Modified Organisms. If they do so, it won’t be Brussels stating GMO risks are unacceptable, but individual member states deciding for themselves – no doubt weighing in … Continue reading

Unravelling CCD: virus and fungus combinedly killing bees?

The mystery of Colony Collapse Disorder, a sudden die-off of bee populations that spread across the world since 2006, is slowly being solved. CCD may not have one single cause, but rather multiple factors adding up, including pollution and diseases … Continue reading