World food demand could double by 2050 – if so agricultural intensification could save 2 billion tonnes of CO2 per year

A new projection by the University of Minnesota and the University of California Santa Barbara shows global food demand could rise by 100-110 percent between 2005 and 2050, which would pose a grave threat to remaining tropical rainforests and would … Continue reading

Hemp protein is every bit as good as protein in beans

Hemp protein is no longer an obscure supplement you can only buy over the internet. You’ll find it in high-street shops these days. While nutritional value of hemp protein is not as high as that of soya protein and whey, … Continue reading

World population forecast increases by 0.5 to 1 billion in just two years

…comparing either 21st century peak population or 2100 population. Somewhere this year (October 31 says UN’s big computer) the 7 billionth human inhabitant of this planet will be born – then starting to emit his of her average annual 5 … Continue reading