Biomaterials should be more important than biofuels

When talking about a biobased economy, most people think biofuel. And who can blame them, since gasoline alone is good for about half of global petroleum use? A transition from petroleum to biomass as a source for fuel would put … Continue reading

Anti-cancer supplements need plant-based proteins to be effective

According to the UN next month the world’s 7 billionth human inhabitant will be born. We have a feeling it’s gonna be a girl and we hope her metabolism will show some similarity to that of a lab rat. If … Continue reading

Tequila plant agave seems excellent source of biofuel

The food versus fuel debate has put large-scale biofuel production in a squeeze in recent years, but competition with food crops is just one drawback for which biofuel crop production is criticised. So far each biofuel crop has shown to … Continue reading

Making batteries greener and better with algae

Existing batteries are not known for their environmentally friendly components, since most contain heavily toxic chemicals. The much used lithium-ion batteries, best known for their use in cell phones and electric cars, for instance can contain pollutants that may decrease … Continue reading

Recycled paper waste could be used to fuel cars

It seems a bit far-fetched, producing fuel out of paper waste with the help of bacteria found in animal droppings. But it is exactly what Tulane University scientists in New Orleans have done. They managed to use a novel bacterial … Continue reading

Graphene not just made out of graphite but also chocolate and cockroach

For all its possible applications in electronics, but also as an immensely strong material, graphene has always had one major drawback: it is expensive. With a price of around 175 euros for no more than a two inch square it … Continue reading

New catalyst developed to produce isobutene from bio-ethanol

The largest application for biomass is to burn it directly or to ferment it to produce ethanol. Converting biomass into other chemicals is often costly or inefficient, due to the many production steps needed. However a new catalyst developed by … Continue reading

1000kg lab meat at 96% less GHGs

Sometimes, when confronted with the promises of technology, we are tempted to dream away to a planet where we could cheer at yet another billion extra people, where we could set our livestock free to let wolves and big cats … Continue reading

Soy-enriched protein blend lowers estrogen and raises testosterone in men

Vegan and vegetarian lifestyles may not be mainstream, other plant protein trends are slowly becoming just that. Depending on definition a majority of people qualifies as a ‘flexitarian’, opting for alternatives to animal protein on a regular basis. Meanwhile industry … Continue reading